One of them is the lack of recognition of Authority Figures. Far from the struggle against authority, I have trouble identifying authority. Where they are widely accepted as authority, as in the case of judges, (I've had to learn these things. because they are not readily apparent to me.) I do see the responsibility they have, the relative power they have, the rules they must work within, but mostly I see a fellow human being. If I am one not to break rules that fall under their jurisdiction, and I don't, then there is no need for any authority they may possess. The same would go for my supposed *authority-ship* on certain areas of art technique. If such a person is not interested in art in any fashion, they do not land in any need of, nor are they impressed by, my knowledge. This renders the *authority* of either of us a mute point. I've a friend who is a judge, and for whatever reason, this amuses him to no end. People are interesting.
I cannot go along with Authority (often authority is mass accepted social standards rather than a person.) simply because it is named so, any more than I'd eat a chair simply because it was named, "Apple." I need to see logic. If what they are doing makes no logical sense to me. I simply cannot follow. Things like practicality and honesty are forefront in my mind, and other routes of living adhering to hierarchies or social constructs for the sake of having one have no weight to me. If a fashion authority says I should put feathers on my head, chances are I'll be curious as to their willingness and need to share that opinion, but I'll give it no greater weight than a mild curiosity to an insignificant annoyance.
Perhaps because of my literalistic, pragmatic thought process or maybe because of intense study in various areas, I've been put in positions of the authority. This is a most curious predicament. I see no more reason that people should follow me, than I would see reason for me to follow them. If it does not work for them, in fact I'd deem it ridiculous.
I don't regard myself as a Leader, rather a Watcher. I hold no position within the social group of leaders and followers. One of my biggest stumbling
I do understand rules though, and I like them. They make the world make sense to me. They give organization to what otherwise appears chaotic to me. I believe that most would adhere if loosely to most common sense rules. If speed limits were eliminated, I doubt everyone would be driving twice the now recommended speed. Sure a few would, but most are rather considerate of the world around them and the relative safety of others. For those few, I can understand rules. For me, they are the stuff of kindergarten understanding, and obvious beyond obvious.
Being pragmatic, or of the mind that what works is always what's best, there is a time to break the rules....when they don't work, and that of necessity must be decided by the individual and circumstance by circumstance.