I says to my canvas, "Canvas!" I says, and
My canvas says, "What's up Painter Lady?!
I says, "What say we shake the dust off 'n paint something silly that we'll paint over later, and just do a bunch wild, weird stuff, 'cause nobody's lookin' 'n we don't care anyway?!"
My canvas says, "I don't see brushes in your hand, Wimp!" so's
I says, "Brace yourself," 'n I started in a crazed fury of turpentine, and a splash of git outta my way!"
Then I painted.....
a pear.
Yes, a pear!
Nothing special,
No, wild and weird...
just a pear.
When I cut loose and get crazy....Look out!
Fruit can happen!
Hide your elderly and small children!
Coop your chickens,
and always wear clean socks....or something.
"Anti-Climactic Pear" 12x12" Oil on Canvas
But there's more!
You see, I had a problem with figuring out a good composition. It's a square, and I usually paint on rectangles
minding The Golden Mean. If you'd like to see how I figured this one out, check out my post at About. com's Painting Forum Here: http://forums.about.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?tsn=1&nav=messages&webtag=ab-painting&tid=17945
Haha! Cool :) I love the title, Anti-Climactic Pear.