I found a gadget that helps to prevent the copying of posts and artwork in Blogger, and I thought others might be interested.
1. Disable Right Click:
(This will keep users from using the "copy and paste" function on your page.)
Click the following link and copy the html code in red. (Left click and scroll over the code to highlight, Right click and select "Copy" from the drop down menu.
Come back to your "Dashboard," (Dashboard tab is located on the upper right of your Blogger page.). To the right of your blog (listed there), past the orange tab, open the gray (arrow) drop down menu and click, "Template."
Click on any "Add a Gadget" box. A small window will open.
Choose "Basic" from the left collum.
Scroll down to click "HTML/JavaScript." Paste the html code in it. No title is necessary. Click ok, then try it out!
Want to try it before you make the change? Right click on any post in my blog and see the alert that comes up. This was simple and quick.
2. Adding a Watermark to your photo:
I'd advise, as I intend to do, that you also watermark your photos. This option will work on any site that you post your photos, because it's done on your computer before uploading your photo. You can
put a clear or opaque wording over any image. Your photo editing program will have the option to "Add Text" to your photos. My photo editing program is Picassa. Within it, I click the "ABC(text)" option in the "Basic"editing menu. It lets me type anywhere on the photo, choose opacity and place the wording anywhere I like. The words are up to you, but I chose my website. Other options are "Copyright by (tina jones). etc. I'll include a watermarked photo of one of my paintings here. I have the opacity set to one-fourth, so this could be even lighter. Most computer come with a photo editor. If you like, Picassa may be downloaded for free, here. http://picasa.en.softonic.com/ It's a simple photo editor.
3. Resizing your photo:
Another option is to resize your photo small. It's unlikely that someone who wants to make prints of your work to sell would print them, because the smaller the size, the less the quality of print. Around 100-200 pixels is not worth a copyists efforts. If they try to print an 8x10", it's going to look bad. Resizing can be done by Choosing "Export" from the "File"menu. I regularly choose 500 pixels or less.
First, Click "File," Save to keep your original high quality photo. Click "File," "Save As," to give you original a name. In this case, "Tizzanne Original Size."
Next, click "File," "Export Picture to Folder,"A small window will open. Type in 500 or less in the available size box. (I've gone down to 100 for photos here).
Choose a folder in the top box to store your smaller photos for the web.
Click "Export."
Once the photo is exported to this folder, "Right Click" on the photo and change the name of the photo, in this case, "Tizzanne for Web." This, so you can remember that this is your smaller photo. Upload your smaller photo to the web, and feel safer.
Numerous other photo editors, including free options are available, Each will have slightly different wording for resizing/exporting photos. Here is a link to several. http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/pixelbasedwin/tp/freephotoedw.htm
Thanks Tina
ReplyDeleteI followed your instructions and it was successful. It took awhile for me to work it out, but Im happy with that. I just need to do the watermark next. Its a bit late for the other photos. Julz
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad this worked for you!
About photos you may have posted earlier, this might prevent future people from copying it.
Best wishes. You and your art are important.
tina jones